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Q: Are the best trolls the trolls that don't seem like they are trolling?
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How does the speech of the dwarves and the speech of the trolls differ?

dwarfs speak like other humans, trolls dont exist except on the internet

What can you do about trolling?

*pats on shoulder* It is ok... there are no stupid questions, only stupid people. For starters, ask lots of questions like that. Second, sound like a five year old online. Finally, talk about how everyone else is a noob. It will get all the trolls to stop. Trust me, I know trolls, and I am for sure not a troll and I am totally not lying.

What does trollin mean?

Trolling has various meanings. More traditionally, trolling means motoring a boat very slowly while fishing from it. Trolling online: Here, it's use began in the mid-1990s when providers like AOL had chat rooms. "Trolls" in this sense were people "trolling" chat rooms, e.g. going from one to another chat, with the intention of causing trouble or inciting people to be upset. A classic trolling example is going into a chat room and calling someone an inflammatory name, waiting for members to get upset, then leaving. Others say 'trollin' means going crazy of having fun.

What do trolls look like?

Trolls are like everyone else ( if you mean the people who cause trouble.) Or if you mean the beast troll......... Then I have no idea.

Where can you find troll fat in oblivion?

From trolls. Trolls like snowy areas. Go find a cave in the snowy mountain regions and you'll find lots of trolls.

Is trolling like stalking?

Kind of...Depends how hard you troll

What does trololol stand for?

Trolling like after a video commenting something like ... " GAY " or ... LAME

What do you do when you have a crush on your best friend but they like someone you dont like?

well, you like them and they like somebody else that you dont like. you should let your best friend be happy, and if you think they like you, tell them that you like them.

Where can trolls be found?

Most Trolls prefer to live in the mountains, to keep away from hunters. some trolls find it easer to steal cattle from mountaineres and farmers, than to hunt for there own food. other trolls can live underground as well, at least the small ones can, this gives them the ability to abush there prays.

How do you explain 'internet trolling' to your wife?

Tell her your horse tastes like raisins, then she will understand

How do you deal with trolls?

Trolls The troll is a solitary animal. Don't feed the trolls or they will come back for more. Starving him would be a reliable method as it gains nutrition from your anger and replies. Eventually the troll will die and rot under a bridge. If you mean trolls like the slang for those that play games on websites like this one, they are found pretty fast and eliminated. For example asking a question like this would undoubtedly bring attention to yourself.

What is trolling in internet?

A troll is someone who attempts to start so called 'Flame wars' on forums, or simply tries to annoy other people. This is usually accomplished by insulting the other party, while rebuking any arguments against them with phrases like 'no u'.However, many moderators and users have used the concept of trolling to infringe upon rights of free speech by flagging and removing posts that have been accused of, or deemed, to be trolling - not by legal determination but that of moderators and public opinion.Trolling is difficult to identify and can, potentially, infringe upon an individual's right to free speech. The concept of "annoying" people is a subjective one and therefore those with a valid opinion or point of view can be silenced by being accused of being trolls. The users who agree with an unpopular viewpoint, which many consider "annoying", are not given an opportunity to testify on the troll's behalf.Some describe trolling as an attempt to "create discontent". This idea is problematic at best as there is no judge, jury, or legal teams to determine the intent of a negative or critical viewpoint. Trolling is also sometimes describes as "inflammatory" in nature yet under this guise, moderators and popular opinion can lead to the silencing.Forum and internet users who express their opinion many times over, regardless of the validity, applicability to a conversation, and varied arguments, increase their likelihood of being determined as trolls.