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It is not higher than when your not on your period

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Q: Are the chances of pregnancy the second day of your period high?
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What are the chances of getting pregnant if he ejeculated and if your period just ended?

Pregnancy occurs around the time of ovulation which is roughly on day 14 of the cycle. This applies to periods that are regular. Chances are high that no pregnancy took place when intercourse occured after the end of one's period. Again, it is important to keep in mind that ovulation is easier to predict when a period is regular.

You are 10 and and have been having cramps and period is late does that mean pregnancy?

im pretty sure that if you are only 10 you shouldn't even be having sex Your only 10, having a period at all is pretty early. There is a high likelihood that you are not regular in your periods and chances are that it is normal and not pregnancy.

You go one round with a condom and finish and everything is fine but then during the second round you finish and a little while after the condom comes off what are the chances of pregnancy?


Will you get pregnant a week after your period?

The chances are very high

If I have had cramping after sex a week of unexplained cramping no bleeding thick white-ish cervical mucous and a soft high cervix but negative hpt chances of pregnancy?

wait it out. a missed period is the best sign of pregnancy. take the test a week or two after your scheduled period, depending on how regular you are.

What are the chances of pregnancy five days before period?

the chances of being pregnant 5 days before period is very slim- i mean it is 30%. but if it is 5 days after period the chance is very high. 5 days before period your 'fertile mucus are not present in the virgina but 5 days after period the fertile mucus are present or preparing to come depending on the woman's cycle. so the chance is limited.

Can you have a heavy 7 day period while being pregnant?

very unlikely if you was pregnant whilst bleeding heavy the chances are you will miscarry but you can get pregnant whilost bleeding so you could in turn be pregnant but you would have had to concieve during your period which the chances arent very high but as i know from plenty of experience anything is possible when it comes to pregnancy

Chances of pregnancy after 1 month of unprotected sex.?

In two healthy people, the chance of pregnancy after having regular unprotected sex for a month is high.

How likely is a good pregnancy after a miscarriage?

After only one miscarriage, your chances of a healthy pregnancy are still just as high as a person who hasn't miscarried before.

When missed pills cause an early period do you have your period when it is usually time even though it will be the second time in a month?

If you miss 3 or more pills it can cause you to have a period even thought its the 2nd period that month. This is because you missed pills. Missing pills puts you at high risk of pregnancy and problems in your cycle and how well the pill will prevent pregnancy.

Can you have no period and negative pregnancy results and still be pregnant?

The negative pregnancy test is the defining answer, regarding pregnancy - once your period is a week or so late - if you are pregnant, the hCG will be high enough to be detected.

What is chances of pregnancy 3 days after pregnancy?

very high you are very fertile after pregnancy for about 7-14 days they always tell you to use extra protection straight after a full term pregnancy ,termination or miscarriage