

Best Answer

Yes. Every time you have a baby, the odds of having a boy or a girl are 50/50. It doesn't matter how many children you've had already, or what their gender is.

Similarly, every time you buy a lottery ticket, or put a coin into a slot machine, your odds of winning are the same, regardless of how many times you have won or lost before. Each bet is independent of all the others.

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Q: Are the chances of your second child being male or female the same as with your first child?
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If you had morning sickness with you first child for 8 months what are the chances of getting it with your second child?

Im not sure what your chances are but I can tell you from experience that no 2 pregnancys are alike.

What is the probability that a couple's first born child will be female and their second born child will be male?

50% then 25%

Does having second child change relationship with your first born?

Yes. Whether you like it or not, you WILL like your second child better. The first one was good for a while but he/she is getting boring. You will be able to give your second child hand-me-downs therefore not spending as much money on the second. Your first child is like a practice round, let your second child be your main focus. Chances are your child will end up fine. The second child is always more liked and that is just a fact.

Is it true that the second child of parents who are already have a son has an equal chance of being either sex?

The chances of having a boy for the second, third or subsequent child are the same, regardless of whether the first child was a boy or girl. Slightly more girls than boys are born, so, strictly speaking, the chance of having a son is never 50/50.

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If both parents have brown eyes, it means they both carry the dominant brown eye color gene. However, if their first child has blue eyes, it indicates that both parents carry the recessive blue eye color gene. The chances of their second child having blue eyes would be 25%, as both parents would have to pass on the recessive gene for blue eyes.

What are the chances of having a second child with Prader-Willi syndrome?

In 99% of the cases of PWS the chromosome deletion is sporadic so it is random with no apparent cause. It does not run in the family. The chance of having a second child with PWS is less than 1%.

Do men or women produce males?

The male contributes to the child being male or female.

Which is the meaning of ALABA?

The meaning of ALABA of Western African origin is "second child after twins" in Yoruba and it is a female name.

What is a step sister?

A female child brought to one's parent's second (or third, etc) marriage or other relationship.

If a woman is heamophiliac marries a man who is healthy and produce a child what are the chances of it being male?

Are you joking? It's the same for any couple ¬_¬

Chances of Pregnancy by fingering with pre-ejaculatory fluid?

very high though you may get a disfunctioned child to to being exposure to oxygen.

Do you have a explanation about being a baby boy or girl?

Female humans have two X chromosomes, males have one X and on Y. The female contributes one X to the child. The male contributes either an X or a Y. This determines the sex of the child. If the sperm carries a Y chromosome, the child will be male, if the sperm carries an X chromosome the child will be female.