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No, only Mercury is a metal.

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Q: Are the elements boron mercury and krypton metals?
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What elements are as metals nonmetals or metalloids?

Metals: sodium, uramium, mercury, etc.Metalloids: boron, silicon, antimony, etc.Nonmetals: oxygen, iodine, sulfur, etc.

All of the elements in the boron group except boron are what?

All of the elements in the boron group except boron are metals. This group, also known as Group 13 or Group IIIA, includes aluminum, gallium, indium, and thallium. These elements exhibit typical metallic properties such as conductivity and malleability.

What are all of the elements in the boron group except boron called?

The elements in the boron group, also known as group 13, are boron, aluminum, gallium, indium, and thallium.

What elements react with metals?

Elements from the boron, carbon, pnictogen, chalcogen and halogen families (groups 13 to 17) react with metals.

How many valence electrons do each what elements have boron gold krypton and calcium?

Gold has 25 valence electrons

What are the three classes of elements?

The three classes of elements are metals, nonmetals, and metalloids. Metals are typically shiny, solid at room temperature, and good conductors of heat and electricity. Nonmetals are usually dull in appearance, brittle, and poor conductors of heat and electricity. Metalloids have properties that are intermediate between metals and nonmetals.

What are the six elements that are not metals but have some properties of metals?

Those are Metalliods, which are Boron, Silicon, Germanium, Arsenic, Antimony, and Tellurium.

How is boron different from the transition metals?

Boron is a metalloid, not a metal. Transition metals are metals.

What is the group of elements that touch the step line dividing metals and non-metals and share properties of each group?

These elements are the metalloids: arsenic, silicon, germanium, tellurium, boron, antimony.

Where in the periodic table are the metallic elements found?

All the elements on the periodic table left of and including boron, aluminium, gallium, indium, and thallium are metals. To the right are metalloids (semi-metals) or non-metals.

The symbol B on the periodic table stands for?

The symbol B on the periodic table stands for Boron. It is a metalloid element with atomic number 5 and is commonly found in minerals and compounds. Boron has important applications in industries such as agriculture, ceramics, and electronics.

Which element share characteristics with metals and nonmetal?

The elements known as metalloids share characteristics with both metals and nonmetals. These include boron, arsenic, antimony, germanium and silicon.