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Q: Are the fingertips more sensitive to heat than the rest of the hand?
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Related questions

Is the tongue more sensitive than the fingertips?

They are 100 times more sensitve than your fingertips!

Is the tip of your finger more sensative than the back of the hand?

my fingertips upon a slight impact with anything are way more sensitive than the back of my hands

Why is your dominant hand more sensitive than your non-dominant hand?

Not completely, your dominant hand will always feel more natural to you, yet sometime when an arm or hand has been broken for a long period of time the other hand will become skilled enough to perform adequately.

Is the skin on your fingertips more sensitive than on your nose?

Yes. That was a very good question!

Why is your dominant hand more sensitive then your non dominant hand?

Your non dominant hand is more sensitive because it is used less so it isn't as strong and doesn't have as much skin so it will not be able to stand as much heat or cold.

Why do your fingertips have the most sensory receptors?

because the face and finger tips are alot more sensitive.

Why is your hand more sensitive than your non-dominant hand?

It is more sensitive because your dominant hand is used the most and therefore it is the most sensitive also there are nerve endings in your hand.

What is a random interesting fact?

The snout of an alligator may seem tough but it is actually more sensitive than a human's fingertips!

What is a random interesting alligator fact?

The snout of an alligator may seem tough but it is actually more sensitive than a human's fingertips!

How do you say more in sign language?

To sign "more" in American Sign Language, form both hands into fists and bring them together, tapping the fingertips of your right hand against the fingertips of your left hand a couple of times. This movement represents the concept of "more."

Why are some part of the body are more sensitive than the others?

In some parts of the body, there are more nerves in the skin, thus the sensitivity of these areas is enhanced.

Are there more sensitive touch receptors on your plam than your finger?

No, there are more than 3000 touch receptors in each fingertip, all packed tightly together because of the small space. This means that the palm is less sensitive than the fingertips.