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Q: Are the frontal and mandibular bones are paired in the fetus and fuse after birth?
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Four lobes of the cortex?

The lobes of the brain correlate well with the bones of the skull cap. The frontal lobe is directly below the frontal bone. The parietal lobes (paired) are beneath the parietal bones (paired). At the back of the head is the occipital lobe situated below the occipital bone. And lastly, deep to the ears are the temporal lobes (paired) located underneath the temporal bones (paired).

Facial bone that contains a paranasal sinus?

frontalWell yes, basically, there are sinuses located within the bones of the face and skull. There are four types. Ethmoid, sphenoid, facial, and maxillary.the Frontal bone :)

What bones does the maxilla articulate with?

The mandibular condyle articulates with the mandibular fossae of the temporal bone.

Which bones are unpaired bone of the face?

The Jewish ones

Where is the frontal and nasal bones located?

The frontal bone is at the forehead. The nasal bones are at the nose.

Where is the mandibular arch located in a shark?

The mandibular arch forms the tooth bearing bones of the upper and lower jaw.

What bones protect the teeth?

The maxillary bones, above, and the mandibular bones (jawbones), below.

Which bones are considered to be frontal bones?


Does Frontal bone contain a sinus?

Yes, the frontal bones contain the frontal sinuses.

Where are frontal sinuses located?

The Sinus cavities in the human skull help by there to reduce weight, without them, we would all have neck pain.

Are there two parietal bones in your skull?

Yes, there are two parietal bones in your skull, one on the right and one on the left. They are joined to the frontal bone by the coronal suture, to the temporal bones by the squamous suture and to the occipital bone by the lambdoid suture.

Which bones does the sphenoid bone articulate with?

The answer is found in Gray's Anatomy, posted online here:"The sphenoid articulates with twelve bones: four single, the vomer, ethmoid, frontal, and occipital; and four paired, the parietal, temporal, zygomatic, and palatine."