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no the teeth are deep in the gums

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Q: Are the inside teeth baby ones?
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how many rows of teeth do sharks have?

A bull shark can have up to fifty rows of teeth. When teeth fall out, they are replaced with new ones, similar to how humans lose their baby teeth.

Do seals loose theyre baby teeth and get new ones as adult?

Yes, they probably do.

Are wisdom teeth permanent teeth?

It really depends on the tooth. When I got two baby teeth pulled out, my dentist saw that one had an abnormally long root/spur.

Which teeth are permanent teeth?

When you take out you're tooth twice they become permanent teeth you only lose your teeth once. your baby teeth fall out, and the adult ones come in. this doesn't happen twice.

Are you aloud to lose the tooth from the third to your tooth in the middle on your bottom jaw?

yes. you loose all your teeth. - baby teeth. not adult ones.

How many rows of teeth do male bull sharks have?

A bull shark can have up to fifty rows of teeth. When teeth fall out, they are replaced with new ones, similar to how humans lose their baby teeth.

Do your teeth fall out because your gums shrink?

no it's usually caused by damaging your teeth.Or you start to grew new ones which push your baby teeth out.

How many adult teeth does a person have not including the baby ones?

The average adult has 32 teeth including wisdom teeth. Less if you got them pulled or never got them.The person with the most teeth ever has 36 teeth

What is the teeth at the roof of the mouth?

Yes, what happens is that when you have baby teeth and then after all your baby teeth are supposed to be out but when they have not then the adult teeth that are coming down have no place to go so they resort to shifting upwards before shifting back downwards and sometimes causing other teeth to fall out even if they are the wrong ones i have this problem and have not had it fixed

Why are some crocodile teeth located on the outside of their mouths?

The large lizards with some teeth on the outside of their mouths are Crocodiles, whilst at the same time, the ones with teeth on the inside of their mouths are Alligators.

Baby teeth are called deciduous teeth. why?

Baby teeth are temporary primary teeth. They will be replaced later by adult teeth.

Do chihuahuas have sharp teeth?

When they are puppies, they have extremely sharp teeth, but once they lose their baby teeth and get their adult ones they will become a little bit more dull. They'll probably stay fairly sharp though.