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yes. they do

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Q: Are the metalloids located in gropus 13 through 16 on the periodic table?
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Should public schools have support gropus for stressed out students?

I believe they should

What is the study of people living in gropus or communities?

Sociology. I'm doing my science homework and that question came up. THANKYOU GOOGLE! :)

How do amendments 15 19 and 26 reflect changes in attitude about equality?

it gave women blacks and age gropus the right to vote

Hitler translated his genocide how did ethnic racial and religious hatreds weaken society?

because people believe race can create conflicts towards different gropus of race

Are rhinos solitary?

rhinos are solitary. males grow up and leave until its time to mate.

What traps did Hitler use on Jews?

He often hid guards in small jewish gropus to "rat out" where their families where hiding... they also hid guards all around the small towns to make sure no one could escape. hope that helped - ashley -

Does vitiligo happen in darker skin people?

Vitiligo can happen to anyone who has melanin, this includes a large population of people who consider themselves white. So if you can tan, if you can get a little brown or sun kissed, you have melanin and can possible get vitiligo. It doesn't matter if you are dark or pale, as long as you have melanin, there is a possibilitiy. If you are Irish or Scottish, usually those ethnic gropus who burn red and not tan, lack melanin, will not get vitiligo.

How do you find ionic charge?

In our periodic table, we got different elements each with different numbers of electrons or protons and neutron. Electrons determines the reactivity and the charge of an element. it depends, on how many electrons does an element have and by arranging them in their order of the electrons shell, we will eventually get that in which shell there are extra or less electons. by rule, the number of electrons that can exist in shells are the following. 1st shell: 2 electrons 2nd shell: 8 electons 3rd shell: 18 electrons 4th shell: 32 electrons by puting the electrons of an element in this order, you will eventually get that in which electron shell you have extra or less electrons. eg. chlorine has 17 electrons, so it order is 2,8,7 Cl has 1 less electron to make the chlorine atom stable, so it charge is Cl-. it has a negative charge. Sodium has 11 electrons, so it order is 2,8,1 Na has 1 extra electron that it wants to get rid of to make Na stable and its charge is Na+. it has positive charge.

What were external threats to the Roman Empire?

Many external gropus were a threat to Roman security at one point or another: the Persians, Marcomanni, Quadi, Iazyges, Naristi, Chatti, Chauci, Langobardi, Hermunduri, Sueves, Buri, Cotini, Vandals, Roxolani, Bastarnae, Costoboci, Goths, Heruli, Alemanni, Franks, Hunns Alans, and Burgundians. In the end the Vandals, Alans, Sueves, Burgundians and Alemanni invaded the western part of the Roman Empire. The Angles, Saxons, Jutes and Frisians migrated to Britain in waves and took it over. Most of these peoples were of Germanic or Iranian stock.

What advantages allowed Spain and Portugal to expand overseas first?

The main advantage for these two nations was their geography. Both countries, of course, are at or near the Straits of Gibraltar, where the Mediterranean meets the Atlantic. This is a very strategic place and was even more strategic back in these days. In the times just before overseas exploration, a great deal of trade with the Orient (the Middle East and beyond) came through the Mediterranean. Spain and Portugal could prevent any other nation's ships from passing through the Mediterranean if they wanted to. Portugal, in particular, also benefited from having a tradition of seafaring because of its geographical location (Italy and Germany, for example, would not have had much reason to go out in the open ocean). It also benefited from having a more stable monarchy than some other countries that could have been competitors. Portugal first, in the early 1400's. When Spain began, with Columbu's first voyage in 1492, Portugal had already discovered the Sea Route around Africa to Asia and discovered most islands of the Atlantic, explored the entire western african coast and part of the east coast. So Portugal pioneered in 1415, Spain followed its footsteps almost 80 years after...Because Portugal was a stable and solid country since the early 1200's and Spain didn't even exist until 1492 when several kingdoms were united under the name "Spain" (Galicia, Catalunya, Leon, Asturias, Navarre, etc). Well first the Spanish and Portuguese had the advantage of being geography near the coast in western Europe so they have easy accesses towards the Americas. Another factor was their navy and sailors willing to explore, these government both encourage and funded exploration. The main factor was that both were politically and religiously stable internally,so energies and resources could be directed outwardly in exploration,rather than being used up internally in political and religious unrest. They both were the developing economies of the time. The need to find more trade routes for their ships to hasten their development was their primary drive.

What is devanga caste?

Devanga(devakshatriya) is a sub caste of balija in hinduism. They are one of the weaving castes of andhra - karnataka in India. Devanga are kshatriyas origin. They are kshatriyas by birth. They are weavers of cotton and silk cloth. Devanga trace the origin of their weaving tradition to a sage called devala manu kshatriya. According to tradition, devala manu kshatriya was the first person to weave the cotton cloth and to give it to Lord shiva, who up until when devala was taking the cloth to the king, demons came to attack him. So, he created fire pit and prayed goddess chamundiswari , she appeared before him and throw some rice on fire pit, suddenly Devakshatriya warriors born from fire fight with demons and killed them. Sections :- Devanga originally divided into two gropus, the gandhavaru, and namapattavaru. These were saivism and vaishnavite division among devanga in old days. Devanga(devakshatriya) are from mysore and rayalaseema state split into several sub clans :- telugu devanga kannada devanga hatagara *hathinentu manaikara

What are some examples of social groups?

Types of Social Groups. Sociologists recognize several types of groups. These are: 1. Categorical group - Member of this group share particular characteristics and a common identity. 2. Aggregate group - An aggregate is any collection of people who are together in one place without interacting with one another. 3. Collectice groups - These are temporary groups which are not generally governed by established norms of the culture and are composed of people who share some kind of belief which motivates them to prepare for action. 4. Association group - This group is composed of people who join together in an organized manner to pursue a common interest. From the groups that have been identified, these groups may be classified on the basis of social boundaries between members and non-members and adherence to a special set of norms.