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Q: Are the muscles in your body a solid?
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What particular muscles does the Body Solid Powerline Cable Crossover Machine help shape?

The Body Solid Powerline Cable Crossover is specifically designed to be able to work every major muscle group and deliver a powerful full body workout.

Does a human have more muscles or bones in the body?

The bones are dense, porous and calcified tissue that make up the skeleton and are hard/solid. The muscles are organs made of fibrous tissue and are contractile, meaning they can lengthen and shorten.

What is body muscles or stronger?

Body muscles

Does the body have more smooth muscles or skeletal muscles?

The body has more skeletal muscles.

What types of muscles are found in the body?

There are three types of muscles found in the human body. The muscles found in the body are the visceral, cardiac, and skeletal muscles.

How many muscles are in a human's body?

There are 640 muscles or over 600 muscles in the human body

Most muscles in the body are what muscles?

skeletal muscles

What muscles are the most muscles in the body?

skeletal muscles

Are there over 600 muscles in our body?

Yes, there are way more than 300 muscles in the human body. The minimum number of muscles in the human body is 639 muscles with a maximum pushing 850.

How many muscles are in a baby body?

about how many muscles are in a baby's body

How many muscles are there in the human body which you can not control?

You can not control the smooth muscles as well as cardiac muscles of your body. They are called as involuntary muscles.


how man muscles are in a human body about 600 how many muscles are in a human body about 600