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Q: Are the people from madagascar obese or anorexic?
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If you were a normal person would you rather become anorexic or obese?


What does it mean to be the opposite of anorexic?

That would probably mean being obese.

What percent of british people are anorexic?

1 in every 250 people are anorexic. So that is 0.4% or so.Roughly 1 in every 250 people are anorexic, or have an eating disorder with anorexic-like properties.

Can you have anorexia at a normal weight?

Usually if you are anorexic you are not eating enough and if the person was obese and they became anorexic they would be at a normal weight for a while but then they would just get skinnier and skinnier because they cant control it because it is a disease.

What is worse being obese or being anorexic?

I think that being anorexic is worse than being obese i have never tried either one, but i read in a couple of magazines that when you are anorexic you are very sad, but when you are obese you can lose weight and you are happy when you eat they are both dangerous things to try so please don't do either one. If this is for a project or just research ok but don't try to be anorexic or obesse because you could get seriously hurt. ^^^This is not true obese people are not all "happy"? And why write on something you have no understanding about? Okay heres facts: with obesity you have a high risk of getting type 2 diabetes, cancer, heart disease or stroke, pregnancy risk,sleep problems,suddent death, and liver failure. I am not saying that anorexia isn't a serious problem but know from experince that obesesity does not make people happy. In fact depression often happens from it. And is a huge problem in America;having people laugh at you because of your size is not"fun" and many people can't just lose weight as a person who hasn't gone threw either you wouldn't know. Now on to facts about anoerexia: 95% of people are females but number of anorexic men are increassing. Also estimated 6% of anorexia victims dying from complications of the disease, some women actually stop getting their period..same with obesity. Anorexia is basically starving your self. This causes organs to stop working,effects to the brain and everything. Both are equally as bad and are an illness. As a person who was over weight most of my life, and knew people who were anorexic, I know from experince.

Do anorexic people eat kitchen roll?

No, anorexic people do not eat kitchen roll. I know this because i am anorexic and i haven't eaten kitchen roll since... forever!

Obese percentage per state in America?

It is estimated to be 33.3% of the population.

What is the word Madagascar in french?

Madagascar is Madagascar for french people Madagascar is an island and a movie for English people same

Are anorexic people healthy?


How many people become anorexic in the UK?

Roughly 1 in every 250 people is anorexic.

Percentage of anorexic in US?

Roughly 1 in every 250 people in the US is anorexic.

When obese people die are they still obese in heaven?
