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Q: Are the pits and the flats on a CD are examples of information stored as a digital signal?
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Related questions

Are the grooves on a record are examples of information stored as a digital signal?

They are a method of storing information, but as there is no computer or digitizing element involved, it is not exactly a digital signal. It is an analog signal.

Digital information is stored numerically in what?

Digital information is stored numerically in

What are examples of centralized information architectures?

Examples of centralized information architectures include traditional data warehouses, where all data is stored and managed in a central repository. Another example is a centralized content management system, where all digital content is stored and managed in a central location. Additionally, centralized databases, where all data is stored in a single database server, are also common examples of centralized information architectures.

How is digital information stored on compact?

as pits and landsInformation is stored in bits on a CD. Bits are stored as a sequence of 0s and 1s.

Where does the word digital come from?

Digital information is stored using a series of ones and zeros or binary "digits". See the related link for more information.

How is digital information stored?

in little mites in a cd and these reflect as 1 or 0s

What is Each individual measurement of a sound that is stored as digital information called?


Is a system that creates. Specialized map from digital map information stored in a databank?

Geographic information system

How are digital photos developed on a printer?

Digital photos are stored as a series of 1s and 0s inside a digital camera or computer. This signal is decoded back into the photo and printed the same way a word document is printed.

What sends a signal to the drive when information stored on the hard drive has been requested?

the controller

What are defrances between analog and digital?

The differences between analogue and digital is in the transmission of signals. Analogue technology will transmit a signal wave in its original format but in digital technology, the analogue wave is sampled and turned into numbers which are stored in digital devices.

What is digitally stored data?

Digitally stored data refers to information that is saved in a digital format on electronic devices such as computers, servers, or other storage media. This data can include documents, images, videos, and any other type of information that can be stored in a digital form for easy access and retrieval.