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Q: Are the rashes the result of some distured spirit?
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Related questions

Are skin rashes caused by viruses?

Some skin rashes are caused by viruses. Examples are measles, rubella, and coxsackie.

Are there other rashes that mimic mastocytosis rashes?

Yes, I am sure thre are some which last as long as a chronic systemic mastocytosis

Are skin rashes caused by medication?

Some skin rashes are caused by medication. Examples include photosensitivity with doxycycline or fixed drug eruptions.

What can you put on a dog's heat rash?

where is the rash? Dogs get rashes from a variety of reasons, some rashes can be from fleas etc, rashes can be come from anywhere, any doubt go to vet. Need more info on your ? Where is the rash

What are some common causes of body rashes?

whith heat

What will you do to a child with fever and rashes?

cold rag on the head, not too cold, for the rashes, i would use some calamine lotion, it will take away the itch

What rashes are dangerous?

They could be because some rashes could be signs of strep throat but you also could have amono rash wich could be fatal.

What are some names of skin rashes that start with the letter p?

Poison ivy, poison oak and poison sumac are skin rashes. They begin with the letter p.

What are some common symptoms of a stress rash?

Some common symptoms of a stress rash are itch, redness, and, hives. Unfortunately skin rashes often appear the same as stress rashes. Stress can worsen the rash. Stress rashes can also be caused by a reaction to something that is put on the skin that doesn't normally cause a reaction.

Why do some people get rashes from junk food?

This is usually a reaction to one of the preservatives

Where can I find info on skin rashes?

You can find information on skin rashes at any health clinic. I would advise you to go to a clinic to get it checked and get some sort of ointment to treat it.

What cause dark black rashes on your body?

Dark black rashes on your body could be caused by many things. One such thing is an autoimmune disease or some type of fungal infection.