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Helium is the only noble gas to have an empty p-orbital, and has one full s-orbital. The rest all have at least one of each orbital full.

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Q: Are the s and p orbitals of the noble gases are always empty?
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Generally (but not always) stable ions will have the same the electronic configuration as that of noble gases (completely filled valence shells / orbitals)

What is the common chemical property used to group the noble gases?

Noble gases have completely filled valence orbitals.

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What orbital are the noble gases found in?

The valence electrons are filled in the p orbitals for noble gases (s orbital for helium)

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Because they are chemically inert (or noble) due to the presence of completely filled orbitals.

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Noble gases have completely filled valence orbitals and are hence stable or chemically inert.

Why is helium stable with a different arrangement?

All noble gases have completely filled orbitals. Helium has two valence electrons and its s-orbital is full and is stable. Other noble gases have completely fill p-orbitals as the valence orbitals.

How are the noble gases different from all the other gases in the periodic table?

Noble gases have completely filled orbitals and are stable and chemically inert (non-reactive).

What elements have full s and p orbitals?

Elements with full s and p orbitals in their highest electron shell are the noble, or inert, gases of the last column on the periodic table: He, Ne, Ar, Kr, Xe, and Rn.

Why do the noble gases in group 8 not needed to react-they are happy?

Noble gases have completely filled valence orbitals. Hence they are chemically inert.

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Noble gases have completely filled valence orbitals. Helium has 2 valence electrons, whereas other noble gases have 8. They are generally chemically inert at STP.

What category is noble gases in?

Chemically inert Have completely filled valence orbitals