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Yes they are, hence them being called smart heart foods. Some foods help clear your arteries instead of clog them. Read the nutritional labels to see if the food are right for your diet.

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Q: Are the smart heart foods good for someone on the heart diet?
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A triglycerides diet is for someone that is having heart problems. On this diet you will basically eat foods that are heart healthy, like whole grain foods, and fresh fruits and vegetables.

What are some helahty heart diet plans?

Some heart healthy diet plans include diets that offer foods that are not that greasy, or salty. Foods such as these can be harmful to your heart health.

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You are smart for trying to change your diet to benefit your heart before something bad happens to you. I found a website to help you, with some information.���357209-tryglicerides-diet

What is a good heart healthy diet plan?

If you are looking for a heart healthy diet, you would be looking for a diet that contains foods that lower cholesterol. You should try eating whole grain foods, and vegetables.

Does a diet for heart burn really exist?

Yes a diet does exist to resist heart burn. You must avoid high fat foods, caffeinated drinks, mint, and spicey foods. It is not ideal to resist the foods that were listed for one who experiences heart burn because those foods can actually benefit to one's health in the long run.

Is there a specific diet recommended for someone with heart problems?

Maintaining a healthy heart is essential to living a long life. There are numerous diets that detail healthy foods you can eat to maintain your heart and your general health. Check your local library for good books on this subject.

What foods and what type of person goes with a blood sugar diet?

The foods that is on a blood sugar diet are Healthy carbohydrates, Fiber-rich foods, Heart-healthy fish, 'Good' fats, this type of diets are for people with diabetes.

How is vegetarian diet good for heart disease?

Most of the causes from heart disease come from our diet. Consuming animal based foods and processed foods leads to a buildup of arterial plaque and general inflammation within the body. If one switches to a minimally-processed, whole foods, plant-based diet, heart disease can not only be prevented but reversed. See the related link for a video of a woman who has reversed heart disease just by changing what she ate.

What can you do to help someone get a healthy diet?

feed them healthy foods, for example crisps

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What foods promote heart health?

"Some foods that promote heart health include salmon, olive oil, oats, apples, and almonds. I am glad you are interested in watching your diet and health."

How can the Esselstyne diet help someone with heart disease?

The Esselstyn diet helps those with the threat of heart disease through diet and exercise and can help the patient avoid heart surgery, or other unnatural devices.