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Q: Are the stars on a H and R diagram scattered or is there a pattern?
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What is the brightest star on the H-R diagram?

The "supergiant" stars are the brightest stars on the H-R diagram.

A diagonal pattern on an H-R diagram where most stars lie is called?

main sequence

Does the H-R diagram classify stars by the amount of heat they create?

The Hertzsprung-Russell diagram (H-R diagram) is a graph of stars showing the stars' luminosities or absolute magnitude versus their spectral type which is related to their effective temperature.

What diagram classifies stars on a temperature- luminosity graph?

A Hertzsprung-Russell diagram or H-R diagram.

What does a H R Diagram compare?

The H-R diagram compares a star's surface temperature to its absolute brightness.

What is a diagonal band of stars on the H-R diagram?

Main sequence stars.

Where is the red dwarf stars located on the H-R diagram?

A red dwarf is located at the bottom right of the H-R Diagram. The stars located in that region of the diagrams are small, dim, and red.

Why does the H-R diagram constructed from the data on the brightest stars differ so much from the diagram constructed data on the nearest stars?

The nearest stars - assuming all stars up to a certain distance are actually known - are representative of the general star population. The brightest stars are not. They are... brighter than the average stars.

What is known about stars that are placed toward the top of the H-R diagram?

They are very bright or luminous stars.

What does an H-R diagram compare?

The H-R diagram compares a stars surface existing temperature to its absolute luminosity. By measuring the sun from the center of diagram, the star is used for reference.

What is a H-R diagram?

The Hertzsprung--Russell diagram (or H-R diagram) is a scatter graph of stars showing the relationship between the stars' absolute magnitudes or luminosity versus their spectral types or classifications and effective temperatures. See related link for a pictorial

when was the H and R diagram created and how?

The Hertzsprung-Russell diagram, or H-R diagram, was created in 1911 by Ejnar Hertzsprung and Henry Norris Russell. They plotted the luminosity of stars against their surface temperature to classify and study stellar populations. This diagram revolutionized our understanding of stars and their life cycles.