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yes they are I'm only in first grade but i was taught this

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Q: Are theories usually discovered or developed?
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How was the process of nuclear fission discovered?

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What are the names of some physicists and their contributions?

Sir Issac Newton-- formulated theories of gravity Pierre and Marie Curie --discovered radioactivity Albert Einstein-- developed theories of relativity see links Rutherford. Discovered small charged nucleus of atom. Split the atom.

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he discovered 5 theories.

How are theories developed?

i wish i know the answer ....

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Theories change because more/different information is discovered.

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This is a difficult question to answer as Freud developed numerous theories (many of them famous) over the course of his career. Also, one cannot tell if this question means to ask how long it took Freud to develop his theories or how long it took for his theories to be recognized and respected by the scientific community.

Who developed theories related to geometry?

Johannes Kepler

What are some important contributions Thomas Edison made to society?

He discovered the power of electricity, invented the light bulb, developed theories about DC (direct current), and proved the dangers of AC (alternate current).

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