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yes they are trained very differently
companion animals are like your friends and will protect you
a therapy animal is trained to love everyone and not harm anybody
thats why therapy animals are good for kids and disable people

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Q: Are therapy animals trained differently compared to companion animals?
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Can condo assn restrict a second therapy dog?

Service animals and therapy animals are different from house pets, and must be considered by the association is special ways. The Americans with Disabilities Act considers therapy animals differently from service animals. Your association may have written guidelines about service animals and therapy animals in order to govern them. Their job is to make living in the community comfortable for residents. Take your case to the board and explain the need for the second animal, discuss it, and then ask the board to include the matter in the board meeting minutes with a vote.

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Any animal (as long as it is well behaved and had training) can be a therapy animal.

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AAT stands for animal assisted therapy. These animals are not service animals, they are therapy animals. They are pets that have gone through a small amount of training past obedience to visit facilities/hospitals/libraries and do various kinds of activities with the patients/people/consumers in those facilities. These animals are not service animals and are in these facilities with special permission. You may NOT take a therapy animal into a grocery store. Outside of their therapy work, they are just a pet.

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Therapy animals are pets that are trained to visit hospital, convalescent homes, and sometimes do library reading programs. They are not service dogs and not registered with the county. Most therapy animals are part of programs that do these sorts of activities.

What animals are used for pet therapy?

Dogs are the most common visiting therapy animals, but cats, horses, birds, rabbits, and other domestic pets can be used as long as they are appropriately screened and trained.

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Only if they are certified therapy or handicapped assistance animals.

What type of therapy do animals need after surgery?

Physiotherapy, to regain strength and mobility.

Are rabbits used as therapy animals in America?

They can be. There are certain training that they have to pass though.

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Usually therapy, if he's lucky.