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The 7 accepted colours of the rainbow are: Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo, Violet.

A rainbow forms when sunlight, shinning through raindrops, is split into the main colours making up 'white' light.

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Q: Are there 5 colours in the visible spectrum of white light?
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What is the Visible?

White light is composed of many colours. When these colours combine, they look white. One way of showing that white light is composed of different colours is to make white light pass through a glass prism. This splits up the white light into its constituent colours. I f you hold a screen in its path, you will see a band of colours. This band of colours is called the spectrum. Since it is visible to human eyes, it is called the visible spectrum.

What is the visible spectum?

White light is composed of many colours. When these colours combine, they look white. One way of showing that white light is composed of different colours is to make white light pass through a glass prism. This splits up the white light into its constituent colours. I f you hold a screen in its path, you will see a band of colours. This band of colours is called the spectrum. Since it is visible to human eyes, it is called the visible spectrum.

What is the short form for all the colours of the rainbow white light is really?

The visible spectrum.

Where you see a spectrum of colours?

If you pass white light through a prism, it will separate out into the individual colors of the visible spectrum.

What is the spectum?

White light is composed of many colours. When these colours combine, they look white. One way of showing that white light is composed of different colours is to make white light pass through a glass prism. This splits up the white light into its constituent colours. I f you hold a screen in its path, you will see a band of colours. This band of colours is called the spectrum. Since it is visible to human eyes, it is called the visible spectrum.

What colors do white paper reflect?

All of them. White light is formed by all the colours of the visible spectrum combined.

A white light is a combination of what?

White light is what we see when light of all (or most) of the frequencies in the visible spectrum are emitted together from the same source. It is the combination of every visible light wave.

Does the prism change the color of the light?

A prism will split white light into its constituent colours (the colours of the rainbow). "White light" is the light we see around us i.e. natural light from the sun. This light is made up of all the colours in the visible spectrum

Can white light be broken up into various colours of light?

Yes visible light is part of what is called the electromagnetic spectrum. White light is actually all of the visible spectrum being seen. This is demonstrated by white light passing through a prism and being broken up into its component colors, such as a rainbow.

Why do the colors split up in the spectrum?

White light can be split up into lots of different coloured light waves using a prism. We call this range of colours the visible spectrum.

Why do the colors in the electromagnetic spectrum split up?

White light can be split up into lots of different coloured light waves using a prism. We call this range of colours the visible spectrum.

What light that contans all the colours of the spectrum?

"White" light.