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No the desert is too dry and way to far out to have a volcano.

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Q: Are there active volcanoes in desert?
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This type of volcano erupts with some degree of regularity?

Such types are called active volcanoes. Their regularity varies widely. Those ones who are not active are called extinct or dead volcanoes.

Which planet has most volcanoes?

The planet Earth has the most active volcanoes.Mars had the largest volcano known in the solar systemVenus had the most volcanoes.Io a moon of Jupiter has the most active volcanoes in the Solar System, with over 400.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Earth has the most active volcanoes where as Mars has the biggest volcanoe in the universe but the planet which has the most volcanoes would be Venus.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------A difficult question as it depends on whether you include active, inactive or dormant.Including all of them, then Venus, followed by Earth and then Mars.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Forgetting planets, then Io a moon of Jupiter is the most active volcanic body in our Solar System with over 400 known active volcanoes.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Very easy answer . . . Venus has perhaps up to a million volcanoes. For sure it has more than 100,000 volcanoes - we cannot yet tell how many of these are active, or temporarily dormant.

Where is Largest belt of active earthquakes and volcanoes?

The largest active belt is the one that nearly surrounds the Pacific Ocean

Snow capped mountains and active volcanoes in south America?


Are active volcanoes and earthquake epicenters near each other?

Yes they are