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Quiscale: a north-American bird, quetzal: a central-American bird and Quokka: an Australian marsupial

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Q: Are there animal names that start with Q in the french language?
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Are there animal names that start with e in the french language?

yes the elephant

Are there animal names that start with W in the French language?

Only words borrowed from other languages, such as Wombat.

Animal names in french that start with r?

renard which is a fox

Are there animal names that start with p in the french language?

Yes. One example would be poissons(fish). Others: pic (woodpecker) phoque (seal) poulet (chicken)

Are there animal names that start with X in the french language?

xanthie (a butterfly), xénarthre (a group of American mammal species), xérus (an African ground squirrel), xiphophore (a fresh water tropical fish) are the only four such animal names. pussy

How do you say animal names that start with a or d in french?

Des noms d'animaux qui commencent par a ou d

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What animal names start with Rh?

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When did Greece start using the french language?

Greece has never used the French language, although French is a widely spoken second language all over Europe, including Greece.

What are some french names for girls that start with s?

Some French names for girls that start with 'S' are Solène, Sandrine, Séverine, and Sarah.

What are animal kingdom names that start with the letter U?

There are none.