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Queen Cleopatra

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Q: Are there any ancient Egyptian vocabulary words that begin with q?
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What are some Egyptian words that begin with v?

Valley of the Kings is a valley in Egypt where the Pharaohs were buried in ancient Egypt.

What word in ancient Egypt starts with the letter L?

There are only a few well known words in ancient Egyptian that begin with "L". Some of these are: labayu, lector priest, libu, lesonis, and Luxor.

What Egyptian words begin with T?

Tutankhamun is one

What Egyptian words that begin with the letter B?

Bes- the Egyptian dwarf god and jester of the gods (:

What are some Egyptian words that begin with the letter X?

Here are some Egyptian words that begin with the letter X:Xerxes (a Pharaoh in about 550 BC)Xois (or Sais), a city in the central delta

What are some ancient Egyptian words that start with y?


What ancient Egyptian words begin with the letter V?

Valley of the Kings is a historic royal burial place in Egypt. Valley of the Queens is a historic burial place for the wives of Pharaohs.

What will you mostly find in an Egyptian pyramid?

Hieroglyphs. Millions of characters made different words and sounds in ancient Egyptian, and hieroglyphs litter the walls of ancient Egyptian tombs, along with rich pictures.

What teaching words begin with the letter V?

Vocabulary is a teaching word. It begins with the letter v.

What is the name of the Egyptian hieroglyphics?

They are called Egyptian hieroglyphics in modern times. In ancient times, they were called "words of the gods"