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can you catch an infection from a fishing carp lake

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Q: Are there any bacterial infections caused by touching carp fish caught in lakes?
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Which diseases are caused by a bacterial infection?

As far as STDs, the bacterial infections are chlamydia, gonorrhea, and syphilis.

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Urinary tract infections are bacterial (caused by bacteria).

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What type of illness can be treated with antibiotics?

Only bacterial infections they are not effective for viral infections.

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"Measles (also known as rubeola) is a disease caused by a virus" From wikipedia. Its viral "Measles (also known as rubeola) is a disease caused by a virus" From wikipedia. Its viralVirus!

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Viral: all hepatitis infections are caused by a virus.

Are most urinary tract infections caused by viruses?

They are usually bacterial; that is why antibiotics are prescribed for them.

What are some nail infections?

These include fungal infections under the nails, bacterial infections of cuts or breaks in the nail folds, or infections of the nails themselves caused by Candida albicans.

Is polio bacterial?

Polio is not caused by a bacterial infection. Polio is caused by a viral infection. While both are extremely tiny the viruses are 100 times smaller. Both viral and bacterial infections can sometimes be prevented by proper sanitation. Washing your hands after using the bathroom is a good way to avoid many viral and bacterial infections.