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The common pileated is nearly as big as the ivory bill. There is evidence however, that the ivorybill is not extinct. A male was seen and videotaped in Bayou de View in Arkansas in 2004, and there were observations in other states as well, as well as some sketchy video clips. States with sitings beside Arkansas are:

North and South Carolina





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Q: Are there any birds that look just like the extinct ivory billed woodpecker?
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What are the predators of the ivory billed woodpecker?

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Is the ivory-billed woodpecker a bird?

Yes. All woodpeckers are birds.

Why certin birds are endangered?

Some birds are overhunted, others, like the nearly extinct ivory billed woodpecker, suffer from loss of habitat, and inability to adapt to the changes.

What animal is the most extinct in the world but not fully extinct?

Ivory billed woodpecker, there are less then 50 in the world.

Names of endangered birds?

Ivory billed woodpecker, Kirtalnds warbler, Bachman's warbler, Kea parrot, thick billed parrot, imperial woodpecker.

Why are woodpeckers extinct?

The Pileated Woodpecker is still common in North America. Its relative, the Ivory Billed Woodpecker, is very rare and may be extinct.

What is the average temp of the ivory billed woodpecker?

They were extinct like hundreds of years ago. Hunters were shooting them down.

Believed to have been extinct since 1944 the ivory-billed species of what bird was spotted in Arkansas in 2005?


What is the world's Largest woodpecker?

The third largest woodpecker in the world is the Ivory Billed Woodpecker. Extremely rare, it is 2 feet with a wingspan of 3 feet!

Why would it be bad if the ivory billed woodpecker became extinct?

The ivory billed woodpecker is an iconic bird, largest of North American woodpeckers, and deserves to be saved, if indeed the population is large enough. It would be sad to see this bird disappear forever.

Why do people hunt for ivory billed woodpecker feathers?

For their ivory

What possibly extinct bird is called the grail bird and the lord god bird?

That bird is the elusive Ivory-billed Woodpecker.