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Kitchen counter composting units can be found in Metrojaya (household department). Composting bins complete with wormery are sold by Hijau Kembali.

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Q: Are there any compost bins in Malaysia?
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What would happen if we didn't have compost bins in our school?

You won't have any compost next Spring.

What designs are there for compost bins?


What are compost bins made of?

The outer structure can be made of anything. Most people just start a pile of compost in an area they can easily reach. Any organic materials can be added to a compost heap.

How does compost bins saves energy?

it save energy by.............................................

How do compost bins help you?

compost bins help us by taking certain live trash and making it a nutrient rich fertilizer for our gardens . it is the complete cycle of a vegetable.

Where do you get parts for Soilsaver Compost Bins?

Where do you get parts for Soilsaver Compost Bin?Read more: Where_do_you_get_parts_for_Soilsaver_Compost_Bin

How do compost bins work to break down food?

compost will kill us in the near future

Are there compost bins that can be kept in the house or do they have to be kept outside?

There are certainly compost bins that can be kept in the house year round. The website "" provides composters designed for inside use.

Can caterpillars be put in compost bins?

No, caterpillars cannot be put in compost bins. Caterpillars represent the larval stages of butterflies and moths. A compost bin will not support the life cycles and natural histories that lepidopterans must experience to breed, feed and fly.

Are composting bins any good for my garden?

Composting bins can be purchased from home stores such as Homebase, B&Q and Argos in store and online although they usually have better selections online. Retailers such as Amazon and eBay have an extensive range of compost bins in a variety of material, sizes and prices. Most local garden centers also stock a range of compost bins although again, they usually have a limited selection.

Why are most compost bins plastic?

Aeration and convenience are reasons why many compost bins are plastic. Plastic bins facilitate the aeration that composting requires to break carbon- and nitrogen-rich recyclables down into dark-colored, fresh-smelling, nutrient-rich organic matter called compost or humus. They tend to be easier to make and to move.

Are the compost bins made out of durable yet eco-friendly materials?

Eco-Friendly compost tumblers and bins are made out of recycled plastics. They do this both for marketing purposes and because it's a good material for the device.