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Using lazatives is not a good way to loose body weight. In fact the average person cannot do this or they will have some extreme issues such as intenstine infections.

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Q: Are there any dangers associated with using laxatives for weight loss?
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Can you lose weight by using laxatives?

You could lose weight with an excessive use of laxatives, but this would produce serious damage to your liver, kidneys, pancreas, and intestines. Benefits are not outweighed by the potential health risks associated to it. Also, any health professional would agree that using laxatives for weight could lead to an eating disorder such as bulimia or anorexia.A healthy diet and plenty of exercise is the best way to reduce excess body weight.

How much weight will you lose after a week of laxatives?

oh, no... you mighht have bulimia or anorexia. dont be obsessed with losing weight by using laxatives, avoiding food, or throwing up. laxatives used to lose weight hurt your body internally. research bulimia or anorexia and learn the facts,and research laxatives. thank you

When are laxatives for weight loss ever recommended?

It is never recommended to use laxatives for weight loss. It will allow you to lose weight, however, it is not recommended because it damages your body in the process. There are other healthy ways to lose the weight without using laxatives, such as running, walking, any exercise in general.

Is using laxatives for weight loss healthy?

No. Laxatives are not an easy weight loss supplement - in fact, expelling waste from your body faster means a more rapid intake of calories and junk that you don't require.

Can your body become addicted to using laxatives for weight loss?

Frequent use of laxatives in use for weight loss may become addictive. The body and mind may become dependent upon the laxatives to produce bowel motility. More damaging, may be the results of laxative overuse, such as malnutrition, dehydration and electrolyte imbalance. It is best to only use laxatives for occasional treatment of constipation and not as a weight loss method.

How dangerous is it to use laxatives for weight loss?

Using laxatives would be a very uncomfortable way to lose weight. You don't want to end up dehydrated. You might want to try more exercise, snacking less, and including more glasses of water in your diet.

Is using laxative to lose weight safe?

Laxatives For Weight Loss are designed primarily for medical purposes, Since the ingested food passes out of the body before absorption, weight gain is the laxatives for weight loss are safe because there is nothing like safe laxatives.

Can you use both water and laxatives to lose weight fast?

Laxatives are not a healthy weight loss option. They are capable of helping you achive weightloss however this weight loss comes at a price. When using laxatives your body rushes the food through your large and small intestine and your body does not get to absorb all the nutirents of your food. It is true you don't absorb as much of the fat from your foods but you also don't absorb as much of the minerals.

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How do you lose weight on laxatives?

You don't. The only weight you lose with ex-lax will be water weight, which you'll eventually gain back. Taking laxatives is dangerous, can cause dependency, and won't help you to lose weight.

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