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Try Dollar or Budget, they usually have the best deals.

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Q: Are there any dentist in my area that are willing to hire an assistant and train for dental hygienist while attending school for a degree?
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Sometimes you can find a Dentist who is willing to train on the job. You may earn a license to take x-rays, become a registered dental assistant, certified dental assistant, or assistant with expanded functions through dental trade schools, and local colleges.

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First find a dentist willing to do that.

How long will it take to get a x ray on my teeth by the dentist?

It depends on how willing you are to die.

Do dentist work overtime?

Day. Unless you work at a hospital or a special clinic.

What is the average cost to get tooth bonding done from the dentist?

It depends on the insurance company, how much they cover, and the company that is willing to fix it.

Is it okay to be scared when you are becoming a Dentist?

I'm not quite sure if you mean 'when you are becoming a dentist' or 'when you are going to see the dentist". Either way, it is perfectly alright to be scared. After all, a dentist does have tremendous responsibilities for the health of his/her patients and that responsibility can be a bit daunting! It's also ok to be scared if going to the dentist and in fact, most people are. This fear is normal and can be alleviated by finding a good dentist who is willing to listen to your concerns and who understands your fears.

I need to see a dentist but I'm 100 mile away from my dentist will any dentist see me I'm not in pain so it is not an emergency so I'm unsure does anyone know?

As long as you are willing to follow their protocols (ie fill out new patient paperwork, allow the dentist to conduct his own exam, and you agree to pay the fee) there is no reason why any dentist would not want to treat you.

How much does vampire fangs cost?

Umm....I don't know. But first find a dentist willing to do that.

How can you get answers to questions concerning some safety issues with your dentist?

I recommend having an honest and frank discussion with your dentist. Just ask your questions and avoid being accusatory in your tone. If you are dissatisfied with your dentist's answers, find a new dentist. If that option is unsatisfactory, ask your questions here. There are many people ready willing and able to help.

Is 44 years old to old to become a dental assistant?

Not at all! Age is not a barrier to starting a new career as a dental assistant. As long as you are passionate about the field, willing to learn, and fulfill the necessary training requirements, you can become a successful dental assistant at 44 years old.

Are there any general dentists or orthodontists in Freehold Township, NJ that would be willing to train me to become a Dental Assistant while working for them or on a volunteer basis. ?

In order for you to obtain your license in this field, you must attend colllege.Any dentist or orthodontist would compromise their license by allowing you to work for them without proper certification. good luck

expanded functions dental assistant certification?

Current Dental Assistants can raise their earning potential by receiving their certification in expanded functions. The job responsibilities for an Expanded Functions Dental Assistant include not only the tasks assigned to a Dental Assistant, but also the jobs of amalgam placing and carving, the placing of sealants and composite restorations. The Expanded Functions Dental Assistant may also be responsible for the placement and removal of matrix bands, rubber dams or wedges and the placement of bases and liners. The current Dental Assistant may be required to be working in the dental industry and have a dentist who has recommended the assistant for continued education and is willing to work with the assistant to ensure that the assistant is properly supervised. The dentist also is instrumental in helping the assistant prepare for the exams to pass the course. Unemployed Dental Assistants may be required to meet eligibility requirements before taking the expanded course. Each state has their own set of requirements for certification and education regarding the career of Expanded Functions Dental Assistant. It is important to know the requirements in your state prior to signing up for courses. The Dental Assistant will be required to bring certain lab items to class. These items may include a facebow, real teeth and other equipment. All of these items are necessary to prepare the assistant for a real working environment. If the student is unable to bring these requirements to class, they may be refused into the class. The refusal may result in the loss of tuition paid for the course. The assistant may also be required to have certification in CPR and X-ray. The dental profession has seen a growth in the Expanded Functions Dental Assistant in recent years. The assistant is depended upon for quality treatments and proficiency, allowing the dentist to concentrate on other treatments. This field is growing quickly and according to the United States Department of Labor, will continue to grow through the year 2014.