

Are there any elements that have no stable forms at all?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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15y ago

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To name a few… Tc - Technetium (43), Pm - Promethium (61), Np - Neptunium (93), Pu - Plutonium (94), Am - Americum (95), Cm - Curium (96), Bk- Berkelium (97), Cf - Californium (98), Es - Einsteinium (99), Fm - Fermium (100) atomic numbers: 43, 61, 93-112, & 114 all have no stable forms These elements are (man-made,) marked on the Periodic Table as "Not found in Nature"

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Q: Are there any elements that have no stable forms at all?
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Are there any elements with no stable forms?

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Probably not. As of 2013, the last known element is #118. It is possible that additional elements will be discovered after that one. The heaviest stable element is lead, element #82. It is unlikely that any heavier element will be stable. In general, the tendency is for heavier elements to be less stable.

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