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Although there are not foods that actually prevent Diabetes, there are foods to avoid in order to not get diabetes, Many diabetics are overweight, and should watch their diet in order to loose weight and avoid being diagnosed with diabetes. If you are diabetic there are diets you can go on in order to control your blood sugars.

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Q: Are there any foods that prevent diabetes?
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Who can get this diabetes?

anyone can get diabetes...or it can to genetic! to help prevent diabetes stay healthy, exercise, and eat healthy foods

What is the leading cause of diabetes in America and how can I prevent getting it?

The leading cause of diabetes in America is eating too much fatty foods. You can avoid diabetes by limiting your intake of sugar. This will surely help.

Do diabetes diets completely restrict any types of foods?

While most diabetes diets do not completely restrict any foods, most do advise restricting sugars in any form, many fruits that are high in sugar and many starchy foods. It is also advised that you try to completely restrict fried or processed foods as best as you can. They are bad for your entire body, not just your diabetes.

What foods can make it worse if you have diabetes?

If you have diabetes you shouldn't be eating any sweets that are made of sugar, banana, potato and no alcohol

Is there a way to prevent childhood diabetes?

There is definitely a way to prevent childhood diabetes. You need to make sure your kids are eating healthy foods, and getting plenty of exercise. Don't let your kids sit around eating junk food.

What foods would be known as diabetic foods?

'Diabetic food' may refer to the types of food that are beneficial or harmful for individuals with diabetes to consume. Beneficial foods include foods with low sodium and sugar, and minimal processing (such as, the processing that removes the whole grain from white bread), and harmful foods include the opposite. 'Diabetic food' may also refer to diets that are more likely to prevent or cause diabetes, with diets high in sugars, sodiums, and processed fats more likely to cause diabetes, and diets low in sugars, etc, more likely to prevent diabetes.

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No. There is a word for people who rely on foods or other natural therapies to prevent conception. They are called parents.

How could you prevent diabetes?

you can't prevent diabetes %100. however, by controlling your diet, exercising, and avoid smoking, you will have lower risk for having diabetes.

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What foods can be bought by poor and rich persons that can cause diabetes?

Sweets, Drinks like beer, coca cola, or any other sugary foods.

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By helping to prevent diseases such as Diabetes and osteoporosis.e...