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Q: Are there any games just like neosaurs?
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You can get armour in Neosaurs by fighting monsters, but sometimes you don't get any armour. You can buy some armour in the armour shops in Nestrock, Arumian, Sauria, Moonglow and other cities. Or you can buy armour from people who are selling armours.

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There are MANY games like starcraft. Just search for RTS games (Real Time Strategy). They should operate just like starcraft with slight differences.

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Just Cause 2. Xbox and PS3

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Puzzles are fun. Actually, just any board games! :)

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not really. Microsoft doesnt like to share games. lol. quake is similar i guess but idk if you can get that for playstation

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Are there any games like just cause 2 for Wii?

No the wii is not capable of that scale of game

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Grepolis is very similar, I just tried it today

Are there any games like cp?

There are so many games just like one game. For example...... Those are just some of my favorites. Surf the web for more!

Is there any games or chat rooms just like clubpenguin but less penguiny?

well there is..gggclub penguinhotmailfbtoonboimvu

Are there any life like games free?

No sorry im looking too i cant find any so just take a break.