

Are there any legal or good uses of marijuana?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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15y ago

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doctors can perscribe marijuana to canser patients

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Q: Are there any legal or good uses of marijuana?
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Is marijuana legal in Iowa?

Marijuana is not legal in any state but California so far.

Are there any legal marijuana?

yes. medical marijuana. google it

Is there any marijuana that is legal?

not that i know of but there are substitutions like "salvia"

Is legal medical marijuana passed in California?

Marijuana is not legal in any state, however California has decriminalized it and it is only suppose to be used for medicinal purposes.

Is hybrid marijuana legal in Missouri?

When it comes to marijuana, if it's any kind except medicinal, then it's illeagal.

When will marijuana be legal in NY?

Recreational marijuana was legalized in New York on March 31, 2021. However, it will take some time for regulations to be drafted and for the industry to become operational. It is expected that sales will begin in 2022.

Why is cigarretts legal and marijuana not?

because tobacco is not easy to grow. therefor it is easy for the government to monitor and tax all of the cigarettes or any other form of tobacco. However marijuana is very easy to be grown and harvested, and can be done indoor or outdoor. if it was legal, it would be nearly impossible for the government to tax you for it, and they wouldn't make any money if marijuana was legal.

Is it legal to live with someone who has a marijuana card?

Yeah, it's legal. Hell, you can smoke their bud as well as long as you're not caught. There are parents with marijuana cards, so I'm pretty sure you won't get in any trouble as long as you're not caught with any on you.

Is using marijuana for medical uses cheaper than any other?

If you grow it yourself, yes!

Can you smoke marijuana in the US?

Yep....its now legal in California...but you shouldn't smoke weed because its not attractive. 8^)

What could be a legal or medical reason to prescribe alcohol or marijuana?

This is a delicate issue which couldn't be discussed over here. There is a lot of alternative therapies that can be used instead alcohol or marijuana. So, there isn't any legal or medical reason to use such substances for any purpose.

Is there any good outcomes of smokin marijuana?

u get baked