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No, but a thicker sock can keep the chafing down to minimum.

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Q: Are there any men's dress socks that can actually help prevent blisters for guys who don't often wear their dress shoes?
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Have people only got fever blisters once?

Many people only get the blisters once. Most have it recur, often physically or emotionally stressed.

When are antibiotics used to treat chickenpox?

Antibiotics often are prescribed if blisters become infected.

What causes breast blisters in poultry?

Breast blisters in poultry can be caused by: Staphylococcus aureus infection entering through a skin injury where the bird rests on its breast, or heavy birds sitting against sharp-edged roosts or wire cage floors. Sometimes they are found in birds that do not get a lot of exercise, therefore have weak or lame legs, and that rest a lot on their breast on the floor. Prevent the blisters by moving heavy juvenile birds to floor pens with plenty of clean straw bedding where they can get more exercise and also find a soft place to sleep. Change the bedding often or add to the layer often.

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A cocktail dress is a dress worn in social situations often known as cocktail parties, or semi-formal occasions. The dress is often short and and some what casual. Where as an evening gown is formal attire often worn to a formal event. It's typically a long dress, that is lavish and flowing.

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Can blisters heal themselves?

yes If left alone, a blister often hardens into a callus, which is more resistant to blistering.

What is the traditional style of dress in japan?

they often were kimono dresses

Can you get cold sores in the nostril?

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National dress of brazil?

There is no one national dress of Brazil. What people wear depends on where in Brazil they live. For festivals and parades, often the dress is long, and flowing with bright colored accents.

Does bride buy wedding dress?

yes,the wedding dress is very important in your wedding .you can also order one friend and me often do it

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They dress up as robots. They've done this ever since the release of their album Discovery.