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Q: Are there any mountain lakes near Delphi Greece?
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A Delphi dweller is as follows: THE KORYKIAI (or Corycidae) were Naiadnymphs of the Korkykian (Corycian) cave of Mount Parnassos near Delphoi in Phokis (central Greece). They originally inhabited the island of Keos (Ceos), but fled to Parnassos after being driven out of the island by a lion.

How do you get to the Valley of the Muses that is near Livadhia and Delphi in Greece?

It is near the town of Thespies, not far from Thebes (Thiva). You could hire a car or check with some tour operators what they visit the site in a combined trip to Delphi. If you buy ROAD map number 4 (Greek road maps) for Central Greece you will see the site marked on it. The maps show all the archaeological sites as well as all the roads in Greece. Well worth getting - especially if you're driving! Good luck.

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Sometimes. They have been caught in larger creeks and estuaries, near their confluence with rivers and lakes.

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Is there any mountain ranges through Athens Sparta corinth or serrai Greece?

There are two main mountain ranges that are near Athens but do not run through these towns. These ranges are the Pindus and the Parnitha.

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Bar-headed geese, Anser indicus, breeds in Central Asia, often in colonies of thousands near mountain lakes.

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Why do most mountains do not have large lakes on them?

Most mountains do not have large lakes near the top because gravity pulls the water downwards, through streams or rivers, to the base of the mountain.

What kind of water do eagles drink?

Well since eagles live in mountain tops i'm guessing salt water cause the mountains are near rivers and lakes