

Are there any natural laxatives

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11y ago

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Their are many natural laxatives. Some of them are high fiber foods, water, bacterial friendly food, exercise, simulating agents and many more. One should see a doctor for treatments according to the pain and the severity of it.

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11y ago
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Q: Are there any natural laxatives
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what are some natural laxatives for dogs?

There are a variety of natural laxatives that are safe to give to dogs including: water, pumpkin, bran, milk, olive oil, milk of magnesium, and Metamucil.

Are there any laxatives that can assist my weight loss?

Laxatives do not assist with weight loss. This is a dangerous misconception. "Binge and purge" is no way to live your life.

Name a good colon cleanser?

Any laxatives will do the trick.

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Where is it possible to buy natural laxatives?

There are many common items that one probably has sitting at home that can be used as a natural laxative. A top ten list of natural laxatives can be found online, and in order from 1 to 10 they are: sugar free gum, water, exercise, prunes, coconut water, legumes, aloe vera, nuts, whole grains and beets.

Do laxative make you have hair loss?

Laxatives do not make people experience hair loss. Laxatives do not have any chemical additives that can force someone's hairline to retract.

Can Ambien be taken laxatives?

Yes, Ambien and Laxatives can be taken together, they do not have any adverse reaction together. However, it is not suggested because when taking Ambien a person needs at least 8 hours to sleep, and laxatives can interrupt those hours.

How many laxatives do bulimics take each day?

It depends on the person, some might not take any laxatives, and some might take way too many.

What are some different types of laxatives?

There are many types of laxatives. The three primary types are osmotic, saline and stimulant laxatives. Each type has a different mechanism of action and different side effects. Dependency is an important factor to consider when taking any type of laxative.

What are some good laxatives that work right away or at least in the range of 1-3 hours?

Most laxatives do work, but only to some extent. Usually, they help the body release stored waste and water. The weight lost is not actual weight. Also, laxatives can be very dangerous. They can cause permanent damage and even death. They should only be used in dire cases, and even then only all-natural laxatives should be used.

Do there any injectable laxative if one can't take it orally?

Injectable laxatives exist.

What is laxatives and diuretics?

laxatives make you poo and diuretics make you pee.