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Yes there are millions of objects that orbit Saturn.

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Q: Are there any objects that orbit around the planet saturn?
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What planets orbit Saturn?

No planet orbits around Saturn because planets only orbit around a star like our Sun. And Saturn isn't a star, it's a planet.

What is the planet Saturn known for?

The rings that it has and the moons that orbit around it.

What are Saturn 's rings made of?

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Many different objects in space revolve around many other things. Usually, it is acceptable to use the term 'satellite' when describing a moon's orbit around a planet, or even a planet's orbit around a star.

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How many days does it take Saturn the planet to orbit the sun? How many days does it take Saturn the planet to orbit the sun?

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Saturn. It takes around 29.5 years to orbit our sun.

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Uranus is the planet that was discovered beyond the orbit of Saturn. It was discovered on March 13, 1781 by William Herschel.