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yes there are many types of plants the are...

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Q: Are there any plants that hibernate?
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Do plants migrate or hibernate?

Plants are immobile.

Do plants hibernate?


Do snails hibenate?

they hibernate up rocks and plants

Do any Lions besides African Lions hibernate?

Lions do not hibernate..No cats hibernate.

Why do plants hibernate in the winter?

plants cant survive in the cold so they go hibernating

Do any types of wolves hibernate?

No, there are no wolves that hibernate.

Do pandas hibernate in the summer?

Pandas do not hibernate at any time of the year.

What do meat eating plants eat in the winter?

Usually small rodents, that don't hibernate!

How do plants and animals cope with seasonal stress?

animals love changes in weather they hibernate .

Do winter animals hibernate in the summer?

Hibernation depends on the climate of the habitat, temperate climates that change from hot summers to cold winters have animals that hibernate or in places where the amount of food declines during a certain time have animals that hibernate but not all animals hibernate. Also, there are species of plants that hibernate.

What color do bears turn when they hibernate?

They don't turn into any other colour than what they were born as when they hibernate.

Do grey headed flying foxes hibernate in winter?

I don't think any kind of foxes hibernate