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Try using Colgate Sensitive Enamel Protect toothpaste to protect the enamel on your teeth. Also you can drink lots of water after eating acidic foods to wash the acid off your teeth.

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Q: Are there any products that you can brush on your teeth to protect the enamel all day?
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If you brush your teeth in the morning and mouthwash at night will that wear out your enamel?

No, it is normal to brush your teeth twice a day then floss, followed by rinsing your mouth with mouthwash. It will not cause wear on the enamel.

What is a enamel in your teeth?

Enamel is what makes your teeth thick. If you teeth looks transparent on the bottom then your enamel level there is low. Enamel is eaten away by acid found in fruit. Once you lose your enamel it is gone forever. To protect you teeth from acid then use a specialized tooth paste to protect you teeth

How can you prevent the damage of tooth enamel?

Brush your teeth every day

How do acids effect your teeth?

Acids can weaken the enamel on your teeth, leading to erosion and decay. This can result in sensitivity, cavities, and other dental issues. Regular consumption of acidic foods or drinks without proper oral hygiene can further exacerbate the negative effects on your teeth.

Can dental gel repair enamel?

Dental gel will not repair enamel. The enamel is there to protect your teeth, but once you lose it, you cannot get it back.

Is fruit healthy for your teeth?

Most are but citrus fruits have citric acid that dissolves the tooth enamel. Brush regularly to maintain and keep your enamel

Why do some people's teeth hurt when they brush too much?

because it wears the enamel off your teeth and makes them vulnerable and unprotected

How many of the commercial toothpaste's had minerals in them?

All of them. The minerals help protect the enamel on your teeth.

Do you brush your teeth or have breakfast first?

You should brush as soon as possible. EDIT: Do NOT brush as soon as possible! Floss and rinse with water as soon as possible, but do not brush just yet. The acid in our food and drink erodes the enamel and minerals that keep our teeth protected. Brushing when these protections are weak damages our teeth and brushes away enamel that can never come back. It is best to wait around 30 minutes before brushing. " Answer also: I saw this in an article: Brushing your teeth immediately after drinking acid beverages or eating acid food can harm the enamel, says the Milenio newspaper of Mexico City. Reporting on a study done at the German University of Gottingen, the newspaper warns that acid foods temporarily weakens tooth enamel." Therefore, brushing one's teeth immediately after lunch can be detrimental. Instead, "it is advisable to wait a few minutes so that the teeth recover their strength." SMILE

How long does it take to build up enamel after brushing your teeth and how long do you wait in between brushing your teeth and drinking tea?

You don't lose enamel if you brush the right way. Your enamel can take months to rebuild but certain medicines help that like Tooth Mousse and Smile Guard rinse.

Can your teeth be white after smoking for a few years?

Not unless you brush your teeth well after each cigarette, but doing that will erode your tooth enamel. You shouldn't brush your teeth more than 3 times a day. So basically, if you are taking proper care of your teeth then no your teeth will not be white if you smoke. ((Personal experience))

Why do they call tooth paste tooth paste?

It is called tooth paste because the paste is for cleaning you teeth for example it can protect your teeth from cavities or gum pain also can whiten you teeth with special tooth paste products and you brush it on to your teeth TOOTH-PASTE.