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Physical pain and conditions have been shown to cause mental and psychological pain and disorders - long term physical hurts and issues can cause mental anguish.

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Q: Are there any proven psychological causes of serious physical disease. I don't mean diseases of the brain that cause physical problems?
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Is alcohol a physical disease?

No, but it can cause physical diseases.

What does condition mean in terms of diseases?

a condition is non life threating which may or may not cause physical damage.a disease causes physical problems and some are treatable

Diseases from alcohol?

Arthritis, Cancer, Fetal Alcohol Syndrome, Heart Disease, Hyperglycemia, Kidney Disease, Liver Disease, Malnutrition, Nervous Disorders, Obesity, Psychological Disturbances

How does physical activity impact a person's likelihood of developing a disease?

Physical activity does have an impact on the likelihood of one to develop a disease but it depends on the type of disease. Performing exercises such as running, swimming or aerobic dance can reduce the risk of developing certain heart diseases and joint diseases but in the case of some cancers or hereditary diseases physical activity is not helpful in reducing the likelihood.

What are some psychological problems that one might have after being diagnosed with a serious disease?

Some of the psychological problems that one might have after being diagnosed with a serious disease are that, one may experience high level of stress, emotional disorder, depression and anxiety. One or all of these psychological problems may affect your daily relationship with others, both at home or at work.

What is the name given to the disease that makes people vomit right after eating?

Bulimia is a psychological disorder that compels individuals to forcibly vomit their meals, in order to prevent gaining weight. Some physical diseases can also cause nausea and vomiting.

Can you still get pregnant even if you had disease in past?

Yes, you can. You may have many problems with the pregnancy or you may not. It depends on what the disease was. You had colds before, they are diseases, and they will not cause problems if you get pregnant.

What is a bio-psychosocial assessment?

It is an interview, or series of interviews combined with physical and psychological exams, that attempts to profile all the physical, psychological and social issues that may bear on a problems such as addiction and emotional or personality difficulties.

Was there a disease in the holocaust called pulmonary disease?

Pulmonary disease is a general term for problems with the lungs. Pulmonary diseases have affected people in every historial period.

Which is a disease of afluence?

Sometimes gout and obesity are considered diseases of affluence (as are the related health problems).

What are some life-threatening cardiovascular problems?

There are many different cardiovascular diseases that can be life threatening. Some of these diseases include coronary artery disease, cardiomyopathy, hypertensive heart disease, heart failure, cor pulmonale, and valvular heart disease.

What disease do people get when they smoke?

When you smoke, you can get several different types of cancer (lung, throat, mputh,lips), lung diseases, intestinal disease, circulatory problems, heart disease.