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Q: Are there any royal families in Africa?
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What are the symbols for each royal family in the vampire academy series?

There is only one symbol mentioned for any of the royal families and that is for the Dragomir's. Its a dragon.

Why were marriages between European royal families sought after at the time?

because the royal families wanted to marry other 'royal' people not normal people

Which royal family is the most popular?

Defenitly the British Royal Family. They've been around longer and we have our own history with them so they are the most popular by far. People here and know more about the Britsih Roayal Family than any of the other Royal Famililes of Europe and around the world. I myself didnt know about any other Royal Families until i did some research about it. Their are some other Royal Families around the world like the Spanish, Swedish, Norwegian, Dutch, and Danish Royal Families who are themselves famous in their own countries and around the world.

When was Royal Society of South Africa created?

Royal Society of South Africa was created in 1908.

When was Royal Museum for Central Africa created?

Royal Museum for Central Africa was created in 1898.

What is royal families?

Close relatives of the monarch

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Royal families

Can a royal python live in Africa?

Hi i have a pet Royal Python and what i understand from all the literature i have read is they originally come from a certain part of Africa any way so yes they do live in africa naturally in a certain part and i cant remember where but check its on the net.

Was Cleopatra family involved with the royal families?

Of course. Cleopatra's family was the royal family.

Which disease did royal families spread through inter breeding?

The Royal Families Romanov of Russia and Queen Victoria's family struggled with hemophilia because of interbreeding.

Why did royal families inter marry?

To keep "royal" blood in the family. To keep the royal blood line flowing in the family.

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Royal families