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Q: Are there any tetraclines in over the counter?
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Any over the counter Cold remedy would probably work as well as anything.

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Are water pills over the counter dangerous?

Over the counter water pills, just like all other over the counter pills can be dangerous. You should always talk you your doctor before starting any medications.

Are there any over-the-counter drugs for hair loss treatments?

There is an over-the-counter solution for hair loss. Rogaine is a common product found in drugstores, and you can often find a generic version for much cheaper.

Are there any over-the-counter psychostimulants?

caffeine, works great

Are there any over the counter medications that can make test positive for hydrocodone?

Nothing will.

How do purchasing over-the-counter medicine and prescription differ?

Over the counter are drugs that can be obtainedley any without a doctors Prescription medicine can be legally purchased only when older by a doctor.

Can you or can You cannot get a DUI on prescription or over-the-counter drugs?

You can get a DUI charge for any substance whether it is over the counter or legal or illegal if it impairs your ability to operate a motor vehicle.

what is the best eye cream over the counter?

The best over the counter eye cream is Oil of Olay Definity Eye Illuminator, which you can find at any drug store in your town.

What over the counter drug would would show up positive for hydro morphone?

Absolutely NOTHING! Any over the counter drug will not show up on a standard drug screen.