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Q: Are there any tower defence games where you can send troops?
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Hitler did not send troops to the future.

What do you do in Evolution in Warcraft 3?

There are 2 Evolution games First, you get a person, you level him up and you get stronger, last man standing wins Second, you get a tower, you get troops and you send them to your enemy, you play in teams, if a team gets destroyed the game finishes

Who has the power to send US troops into battle?

the president has the power to send troops to the battle.

Why did president Washington send troops to northwest territory?

he send troops to protect them selves from the north

What is the best electric type move in Pokemon tower defence?

Probably Thunder. The thing I do is send out a Pokemon with Rain Dance. Then, when it starts raining I send out Raichu and make it use Thunder. Pretty effective, since Rain Dance lasts for a while.

Where did Constantine Send his troops?

He sent his troops to Byzantium.

Where did Constantine send troops?

He sent his troops to Byzantium.

What other countries send troops into conflicts?

Any country with an army or militia will send there troops into a conflict or war.

What did president Andrew Jackson do in response to South Carolina nullification?

Jackson threatened to send federal troops to South Carolina to force them to comply with the law. Jackson did send troops.

How do you contact Australian troops in Afghanistan or Iraq via email?

To contact us, visit the Australian Dept of Defence website at the link below and email or send postcards with the address supplied. Anything is appreciated... Thanks

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When did the Plans for talks between the US and China stalled?

the u.s send troops into Cambodia. apex