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Q: Are there any videos of sexual intercourse?
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Related questions

What happens during sexual intercauses?

During sexual intercourse between a man and a woman, the man places his penis inside the woman's vagina. This is known as vaginal intercourse. Sexual intercourse could refer to any type of sexual activity in which one partner penetrates another. Other "types" of sexual intercourse include anal intercourse and oral intercourse.

Is escorting illegal in texas?

No. You can pay someone to go somewhere with you. Of course you can not pay someone to engage in sexual conduct. "Sexual conduct" includes deviate sexual intercourse, sexual contact, and sexual intercourse. "Deviate sexual intercourse" means any contact between the genitals of one person and the mouth or anus of another person. "Sexual contact" means any touching of the anus, breast, or any part of the genitals of another person with intent to arouse or gratify the sexual desire of any person.

Should a women wear dress during sexual intercourse?

You can do it any way you like, but for convenience, couples usually undress, completely or partially, for sexual intercourse.

What is the difference between sexual relations and sexual intercourse?

Kind of a fuzzy line between the two, Relations could include any sexual contact as well are the mental, physical, emotional and romantic aspects of the sexual relationships between people. Sexual intercourse would probably be more narrowly considered as the singular act of sexual intercourse.

What is the advantages of mass?

To have sexual intercourse with any and everyperson you find by a tree

You want to see sex or intercourse vidio?

WikiAnswers does not provide videos. It is also inappropriate subject matter to provide content on. For information pertaining to education about sexual intercourse visit our sexual intercourse categories and either ask a question or view other questions and answers provided by other members of the WikiAnswer community.

How do Bella Swan and Edward Cullen have intercourse?

Simply, they just have sexual intercourse, just as any human couple would.

What is sexual union?

Sexual intercourse.

What is the advantages of mass communication?

To have sexual intercourse with any and everyperson you find by a tree

What is Abstinence of Refraining from sexual relations?

That means that you refrain from sexual intercourse - in other words, that you don't have sexual intercourse.

Why do wagtail bird migrate?

by having sexual intercourse with a bear

How do I receive sexual intercourse?

Its very easy provided you are interested in receiving sexual intercourse.Choose any style suitable for you then get going.