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There are multiple websites that can help you find a healthy diet. Some of these websites are:,, and All three sites offer great ideas for healthy diets.

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Q: Are there any websites that can help me find healthy diet?
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There are multiple websites that can help you find a healthy diet. Some of these websites are:,, and All three sites offer great ideas for healthy diets.

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There are great websites dedicated to health and fitness. and have great articles and exercise plans available. They also have suggestions for a healthy diet that can help you more successfully exercise.

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You can find a lunchbox diet on any medical blog, medical website, diet websites, diet blogs, nutritional websites, nutritional blog, or health websites.

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If you looking for a diet that will help to manage your cholesterol (preferably to lower it) WebMd has an excellent article to help start you on your way:

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Here are two websites that could help you find a no grain diet. The first is and the second is

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Yes there are. There are plenty of websites on the internet that can have the three hour diet. You can find these websites on the internet, or by asking your friends.

Where can I find out more about beck diet?

The Beck Diet involves making conscious healthy decisions and practical tasks and exercise. Here are a few websites to help you along:,, and

Are there any websites that can help me find diet help?

There are a wide variety of diet websites. The important thing to remember is that many diets are 'fad diets' thus not healthy in the long run. Any change in diet should first be discussed with a medical professional who can provide the proper guidance for your specific needs. A good place to learn healthy eating habits and read about various diets ranging from weight loss to simply a desire to stay healthy is: