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Q: Are there any words that begin with the same letter twice besides aardvark?
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What Words that start with the same letter twice like llama?

Aardvark, beekeeper, and bookkeeper are other examples of words that start with the same letter twice.

What are some movies that begin with the word twice?

Twice Upon a Time

What are some doos that begin with the letter t?

Treat people with respect. Take the time to do things properly. Think twice before you do something embarrassing.

Which animals tongue is twice the length of its body?

No thing has a tongue the same length as its body. chameleons

What word has the letter a twice the letter U twice the letter h the letter b the letter n the letter p and the letter s?


A word that cook twice is called - begin with bi?


Why use the same lancet twice?

Never use a lancet twice. Besides, once activated, the safety feature won't let you use it again.

Who did the house of representatives elect twice as a president besides Thomas Jefferson?

John Quincy Adams

What words contain the letter 'i' twice in the middle of the word?

Words that have the letter I twice in the middle are skiing and coniine (it's a poison).

What happens once a year twice a week and twice in your lifetime?

the letter E

What comes twice in a week that comes once a year?

The letter E appears twice in the word "week" and only once in the word "year."

What alphabet has the letter W twice?
