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"Good" cholesterol is called HDL (High Density Lipoprotein). It seems to help protect the heart against heart attacks.

"Bad" cholesterol is called LDL (Low Density Lipoprotein). It seems to contribute to arterial deposits, which can cause heart attacks and strokes.

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12y ago

There is a great website you can go that will give you the low down on good and bad cholesterol food. It comes from Harvard University and the site is .

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12y ago

Bad food

junkfood, smoking



Godd Food

eating healthy

no tobacco products



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10y ago

Red meat and cooking fat id bad for cholesterol, while vegetable oil and white meat provides good cholesterol.

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Q: What are good and bad cholesterol diet foods?
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What supplements are good for maintaining healthy cholesterol levels? offers the top five foods that, when added to your diet, can raise good cholesterol and lower the bad cholesterol. Try avoiding all foods that have been fried. Fried foods are the most unhealthy options to consume in your daily diet.

Why is cholestoral good?

There is good HDL and bad LDL cholesterol. Both are in our bodies all the time. Bad cholesterol can be hereditary, or come from a diet high in fat and junky food. Good cholesterol comes from exercising and foods high in "good " fat. We need good fat in our diet everyday, but the bad fats we need to stay away from.

Where can I find out more about lowering cholesterol diet?

The mayo clinic is a good source for cholesterol lowering foods and diet. They will show you the good and bad types of cholesterol in foods.

Is it bad to maintain a high cholesterol diet?

Eating fatty fish could be healthy due to the omega oils. It can be bad to maintain a high cholesterol diet if you choose the wrong foods. As long as appropriate foods are eaten, you should be okay.

Protecting Your Body From Cholesterol?

If you weren't aware, there are two types of cholesterol - the good and bad kind. Naturally, this is where the bad cholesterol diet comes into play. If you're considering this, then it can be valuable to know that many types of foods cater to this type of diet. Look for low cholesterol diet foods such as a number of different minute maid products, as well as fruits and vegetables. The general rule of thumb is if it has a buttery feel, you need to avoid it like the plague - protect your body and stick to the diet!

What can I do to manage high cholesterol levels?

Diet and exercise will help improve your cholesterol by raising your good cholesterol. Diet is definitely key when trying to lower your bad cholesterol. Try to avoid foods high in saturated fat. You will want to add more fruits, vegetables, and other fiber containing foods to your diet. Fish and fish oil supplements are known to help aid in lowering as well.

What foods are good for a diet to lower cholesterol?

Foods with fatty natural oils, like fish or nut oils, help lower bad cholesterol. Eating peanuts, cashews, many different types of fish, oats, and other food containing these items will all help control and lower your bad cholesterol.

What is the least important source of cholesterol in the typical diet of Americans?

The source of cholesterol that gets a bad rap is eggs. The problem is when high fat/high cholesterol foods are eaten with insulin-spiking foods.

Are triglycerides found in the foods I eat, good for my diet?

Eat lots of fruit and vegetables, fatty fish, lean meats and whole grains. Avoid eating sugary and refined foods, high cholesterol foods and foods high in saturated and trans fats. You should also avoid alcohol consumption.

Why is consuming too many lipids bad for you?

An unhealthy diet can cause high cholesterol. Foods with high lipid content usually have a lot of cholesterol.

Where can I find some cholesterol diet food lists?

The internet has many helpful sites. One that I found is The website gives very specific details on foods that are good and bad.

What is a list of bad cholesterol foods?

Typically foods high in calories and fat aren't considered good cholesterol. Fast foods, most snacks, and sweets would be on the bad cholesterol list.