

Why is cholestoral good?

Updated: 10/25/2022
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15y ago

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There is good HDL and bad LDL cholesterol. Both are in our bodies all the time. Bad cholesterol can be hereditary, or come from a diet high in fat and junky food. Good cholesterol comes from exercising and foods high in "good " fat. We need good fat in our diet everyday, but the bad fats we need to stay away from.

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What is HDL and what does it do?

HDL is a sort of protein that some people take to help with their cholestoral. It is also a type of cholestoral protein, and it can also be called a lipoprotein.

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it is 1g

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Pretty much any food is a big step, but a good thing to get in their system is probably red meat. It has a good amount of fat, protein, cholestoral, etc.

Why would a insurance company want you to get your cholestoral checked?

To make sure they aren't insuring an unhealthy person.

What are some foods that contain good cholesterol?

Oatmeal, fish, anything with omega-3 fatty acids, any kind of tree nut (check your allergies before trying any though), soy. All of these are great and contain good HDL cholestoral.

What are some good tips on how to prevent heart disease?

The number one thing that most people think will prevent or hold off on heart disease is their diet. People and doctors believe eating right and keeping cholestoral low will keep heart problems from presisting.

Can you die of eating people?

yes , because if you eat too much people , like meat , you can get a super high cholestoral level then get a liver disease

Who is most in need of high triglyceride treatment?

People that have high cholestoral and are overweight could need to have high tryglyceride treatment if it is not lowered and maintained by diet alone.

Does a dietician have cholestoral information?

All dieticians have cholesterol information because it is such a big part of the human body and health. Any dietician that lacks this information isn't doing their job right.