

Are there blacks in Germany

Updated: 8/19/2019
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12y ago

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Germany is a very diverse and multi-cultural country There are people from all ethnic backgrounds.

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Q: Are there blacks in Germany
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In the Nazi period (1933-1945) Germany had practically no blacks.

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France, Germany, England, Russiaand Amareca

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There were very few Blacks in Gerrmany before the 1970s.

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No. African-Americans are specifically Blacks who live in the United States. While there were likely African-American soldiers in the US Army killed by the German Army, none were killed in the Holocaust since Nazi Germany never occupied the United States. If the question is asking whether Blacks were killed, then YES. There were around 24,000 Blacks in Nazi Germany who were targeted for elimination.

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What? We may not have that many blacks but white people come from other countries! Like Germany and stuff

What message did Hitler spread while in power of Germany?

rise of the nazi party, to kick out blacks and Jews out of Germany, to reunite all German speaking people from austria, he said "to live in Germany u will live in hitlers Germany" he also spead the message of hatred of all communist states

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Communists, Liberals, Socialists, Gays, Free Masons, Czechs, Catholics, Blacks. Any one who was thought to not be Aryan.

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they segregated blacks and whites.

What is wrong with blacks?

there is nothing wron with blacks

Is a German a black person?

Not all Germans are black and not all blacks are Germans, but there are black people that are German, either by having some German heritage or by being citizens of Germany.

Why were blacks and whites separate?

because whites didn't like blacks and they thought they were better than blacks !