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Q: Are there bones in between teeth?
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What is in teeth and bones?

calcium are your bones and teeth

Why are teeth not bones?

No, teeth aren't bones.

Is teeth have bones too?

Yes. Teeth are actually bones!

Trex has over 60 bones crunching?

It had between 50 to 60 teeth.

What element is needed to have strong bones and teeth?


What is the percentage of body's calcium is stored in teeth and bones?

Approximately 99% of the body's calcium is stored in the teeth and bones. This mineral is essential for maintaining the structure and strength of these tissues.

Do people have hair on their teeth?

No,because teeth are bones,people don't have hair on their bones.

A meneral that builds bones and teeth?

Calcium (Ca) is that mineral which builds bones and teeth.

Is your teeth a kind of rock?

No, teeth are bones.

Are teeth hard bone?

Teeth are bones.

Why is milk the best food to build bones and teeth?

because it has calcium in it which is good for our bones and teeth.

How do ultraviolet rays helps bones and teeth?

it gives you rays that help your bones and teeth grow