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A pregnant woman's diet should be high in nutrients and folic acids. Before starting a diet regimen, a pregnant woman should first consult her obstetrician.

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Q: Are there certain diets a pregnant woman should follow so there is not a lot of weight gain during a pregnancy?
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How long can ondansetron be taken during pregnancy?

Only use this on the advice of your doctor and follow his / her directions. It is used to treat hyperemesis gravidarum in pregnant women, but there is no conclusive data available on its safety in pregnancy, especially during the first trimester.

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At certain points in the unborn baby's development, they need certain nutrients more than others, depending on what stage of growth the fetus is going through. There are actually recommended diets that change what type of foods a woman eats each week depending on what stage of development the fetus is going through during that week of pregnancy. These diets are meant to be guidelines, if they are not followed, that does not mean that the pregnancy can no longer continue normally, but they are highly recommended.

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Spinal MRI is probably safe in pregnancy. But then follow up periodic ultrasound examinations are mandatory.

I miss my period can i get chancees of pregnancy how to identify it?

If you have missed your period, there is a chance that you may be pregnant. Many pregnancy tests are available on the market that can detect pregnancy within a very short time of conception. They can be purchased at many general grocery stores and at a pharmacy. Follow the directions and you should know in a short time if you are pregnant.

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You can buy an over-the counter pregnancy test at the drugstore, follow the instructions and if you test positive, make an appointment with a physician.

What are some tips to maintain health and nutrition while pregnant?

It is important during pregnancy to eat healthy foods, and not overindulge on junk food. Also, exercise helps with the healthy of mother and child, so follow a basic exercise regimen is important.

If you don't have pregnancy symptoms could you be pregnant anyway?

Do not worry. Some women have the pleasure of not feeling any symptoms durning pregnancy and it is completely normal, but if you are very conserned, seek your doctor.

What if you got your period but your stomach is getting bigger and you threw up but you had your period for 5 day straight?

Many women experience bleeding during pregnancy and mistake it for a period. It can range from light to moderate (normal) and can follow the same patterns as your usual period. So if you're wondering if you can be pregnant, the answer is yes. A pregnancy test is the best way to find out. Generally, two is better than one, in case the first malfunctions. And remember, it takes a certain number of weeks for urine to have the proper amount of pregnancy hormone to make the test turn positive.

Is it true that women face bladder problems during pregnancy?

Yes, many women face bladder problems during pregnancy, childbirth and the months that follow because your bladder is just below your uterus, which is expanding to hold your growing baby.

Will the pregnancy test come out to be negtive when you have an urinary tract infection?

Pregnancy tests look for a hormone that is secreted by an implanted egg called hCG. It can only be detected if you are pregnant. If a pregnancy test is positive, it is best to follow-up with a provider for confirmation, but a negative result would not be due to a UTI.

You used the pull out method during ovulation What are the chances you could be pregnant?

well the pull out method, there is still a chance because semen doesnt just come out during orgasm, its leaks out during intercourse. by pulling out all you are doing is reducing the amount of semen that will get inside. and even a very small amount is still enough for pregnancy. but the pill if used properly, may prevent it. but it has to be taken everyday to avoid any chance at getting pregnant. just follow the instructions. *** a good way to avoid pregnancy is using a condom and using the pill.***

If your throwing up in the morning are you pregnant?

Not necessarily. There could be something else making you throw up. Go to the store, buy an over-the-counter pregnancy test, and follow the directions on it.