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Yes, Pluto is slightly warmer when it is closer to the Sun.

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Q: Are there changing temperatures on Pluto?
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What are temperatures like on Pluto?

temperatures of the Pluto is about -230 Celsius

What are the temperatures on Pluto?

really cold

What are the temperatures like on Pluto?

The temperatures on Pluto are extremely cold. Because it is the farthest planet (or dwarf planet) away from the sun, that's why its so cold.

What is the temparture of Pluto?

Pluto is known as a very cold planet. The temperatures on the surface of Pluto are measured at -380 degrees Fahrenheit.

How cold does Pluto get?

Temperatures on Pluto can range from -369 degrees Fahrenheit to -387 degrees Fahrenheit.

Do gases also contract and expand with changing temperatures?

Yes,gases also contract and expand with changing temperatures

What is the percipitation on Pluto?

No there is no precipitation on Pluto because the freezing cold temperatures any gases or water would be frozen but maybe long ago there was water on Pluto but it has been frozen as Pluto's surface so Pluto is surface layer is ice

How is mercury and Pluto different?

There are two main similarities between Mercury and Pluto. One is their smaller sizes, although Pluto is far smaller than Mercury. The other is their extreme distance from the sun. So Mercury is the closest known planet to the sun while Pluto was considered the furthest.

Does Pluto contain plasma?

No, Pluto is 98% nitrogen ice. Plasma almost exclusively exists at very high temperatures.

What if you landed on Pluto?

You would die. No air, suffocating pressure, and freezing temperatures.

Is Pluto a very warm planet?

1. Pluto is no longer classified as a planet.2. Being so far from the sun, Pluto is very cold. Temperatures on Pluto are estimated to be around -208 to -223 degrees Celsius (note the negative sign).

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