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yes, i just found it online..called ultra suction by sure fit broke my full upper denure in half last night...going to dentist tomorrow to see if this will work for me as they need relining anyway...web site says it should

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2d ago

Yes, there are dentures with suction cups that adhere to the roof of the mouth. These dentures provide additional stability and can help improve comfort and retention. They are usually recommended for patients who have difficulty with traditional dentures staying in place.

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Q: Are there dentures that suction to the roof of the mouth?
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How does a torus palatinus affect dentures?

Torus palatinus (Boney growth on the roof of the mouth) can make it difficult or impossible to properly fit a denture. An upper denture is designed to create a mild suction on the roof of the mouth in order to hold it in place. A torus can interfere with this function. The good news is that a torus can be easily removed by an oral surgeon. Once the surgical site has healed, the impressions for the upper denture can be taken and the denture can be properly fitted.

Do you suction the nose or mouth first on a newborn?

Suction the mouth before the nose. If you suction the nose before the mouth the newborn may gasp and inhale pharyngeal secretions and cause aspiration. Thus you suction the mouth before the nose. Hope this helps. @home with dad :0)

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What forms the roof of the mouth?

The Palatine bone forms the posterior roof of the mouth.

What does it mean when an EMT has to suction?

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The suction of a straw is created when you use your mouth to create a vacuum inside the straw, causing the liquid to be drawn up into the straw and into your mouth when you suck on it. The level of suction depends on factors such as the diameter of the straw and the strength of your sucking action.

How can I prevent my dentures from rubbing?

To stop your dentures from rubbing your gums try using a product to keep the dentures in place such as Fixodent. An antiseptic mouthwash can be used to ensure the mouth area is clean and germ free before wearing dentures.

Description of a tigers mouth?

teeth that look like my grandmother's dentures

What if you are allergic to dentures?

Allergies to Dentures are very rare. If You think you may be you can do a test with a sample of acrylic to wear on the roof of your mouth, You will have to get this made from your Dentist or Denturist. The reaction should be quick and your entire mouth will be irritated. In the instance that you are allergic a clear acrylic would be used.

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